Monday, February 3, 2014

Fighting The Battle Together

Wow! my fist Blog Post. As I stare at this blank page, looking at it, it looking at me, I suddenly feel less confident than when I started.. haha :) I don't know what to call this one.. maybe first Impressions.. oh Gosh there goes the Pride and Prejudice addict in me! ;) ok I won't call it that.. hmm, maybe I'll just start with whatever and hope it works! :) 

... I'm making a scarf for a friend right now and wishing that I didn't have any homework tonight.. sorry that was random. lol ;) now where was I? oh yeah! ok here goes..

   What do you think of when you see my blog title? Perhaps you think of Jasmine when she left the palace to see the peasant's market. :) 

maybe you think of that girl in Lord of the Rings (I can't remember her name right now, but she said the best quote ever.. "I am no man!" ) who killed the witch king.

 (not sure how that relates to my title actually, it's just that Jasmine reminded me of it.. )  Maybe you think of what you're supposed to think of- how you are a girl who lives in a crazy mixed up world, and you wish you could just get out of it cuz you know, you're not supposed to be here. You, my dear sister in Christ, are supposed to be in a beautiful kingdom called Heaven with your father, God. Right?? well actually.. Matthew 28:19-20 tells us that we're not supposed to be in heaven just yet...We, as God's children, were sent here to FIGHT for him. That's right, we're awesome princess warriors. ;) ;) Matt. 28:19-20 is actually a pretty amazing verse, so I'm gonna say it even if you have heard it a few hundred times.   "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
   Isn't that cool? that he says "Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" to US :D so even if he has sent us out to fight a war that is gonna be hard and rough we know that he's with us, fighting by our side until the very end of time. <3
   So, sisters of mine, fellow princesses fighting this war, Know that you are not alone. we are all daughters of God and he has a special use for each of us. We're fighting this war together-so let's stay together! Let's share our struggles, our problems, and our advice. We are all on the same side so let's team up! So today- I challenge you to Smile. Smile once to every person you see, a sweet, genuine smile. 
     E-mail me if you have any questions or anything you need to talk out! I'm your sister whether we've meet or not and I'm here for you. ( my email is or
~In His precious footprints, Ella Amira 


  1. I'm SO excited to see another young christian lady blogger! Nice to meet you..Ella. I'm Abbey, from! I look forward to your next post. God bless!

    1. Thanks Abbey! :) It's so nice to meet you! I think you're the very fist to read my blog so thank you for that ;) I'm excited to read your blog!

    2. Not quite! ;) hehe. my best friend Arianna shared this with all thanks to her! :D

    3. Okay, well thank her for me please! And tell her to feel free to add me to her circles! :) God bless you both!
