Monday, February 17, 2014

Jealous with my Best Friend? Nope!..mostly! (right? ..right.)

     "Best Friends are hard aren't they? So hard.. right now I'm going through some serious things with mine.. We used to be really close, then I don't really know what happened. We're trying to fix things up now but we live about 40 minuets away from each other and Facebook messages just aren't working.. *sigh* I feel like God is trying to grow us and we aren't responding very well. Life can be so so hard sometimes..."

     I wrote that a few weeks ago then decided that I didn't even know what to say about anything in that situation, I was just confused. I still am, but I think it's starting to clear up.. I realize that God gives friends, and He takes away friends. Who are we to take away? That's God's job. If He has a new friend for you, wonderful! but that doesn't mean you get to decide who gets cut out of the deal, that part is up to Him. This also goes for those of us who are heart broken right now, desperately clinging onto those friends who seem like they're leaving us. It can be so SO hard to let them go! You think "I KNOW we are best friends! I want her she's mine! " and more selfish thoughts about it.. After this stage we start to feel guilty because we know that we aren't "in charge" of our friend's life, but those ugly feelings of jealousy and green-ness tend to creep up on us again. "ugh!: you think "why is life such a mess?! I don't understand!" I've said and felt these feelings so many times myself that I can't even count! 


    Maybe it a guy who's coming between you two. Maybe all of a sudden your friend has gotten a fella, and now her life revolves around him instead of you.. She's twitter-paitted and you're working on holding back "punch-a-wall" feelings. You probably understand, "after all," you tell yourself "this is someone who she could end up spending the rest of her life with- I need to be considerate and even happy for her that she's so into spending time with him and thinking about him.." but you know that you're still upset! You're still mad about the fact that you're REALLY loosing her-TO A GUY. It's a tough thing to face!

     Friends have to be one of the most complicated topics of all of a teenage girl's life! And I mean GOOD friends. I never ever in a million billion trillion (idk if that's even a real number) years thought that I could have too many incredible friends, but I think I might! lol!
      I love my girls, my friends whom I can talk to about anything and everything. They are more precious than anything in the world to me, but they get jealous of each other.. I hate that! I want to just love them all, and I want them to be okay with that! I want to just have permission to tell them all everything or anything I want to, not to have things "only for this person." It just creates so much drama. 
     I have one who doesn't get jealous, well, she never showed it anyway. haha :) (maybe she has been but just worked through it because she knew it was silly.) All I can say is that she's amazing!!! Seriously, I could NOT. I get so jealous over nothing, it's ridiculous. 
     I have come to a wonderful realization.. that that intense jealousy just means that they sincerely love me. That's an amazing thought, isn't it? But girls, we're getting it all wrong...      How do you show your best friend that she means the world to you? By NOT getting intensely jealous. Does this sound close to impossible? I sure thought so! But please girls, TRY it! talk to each other, communicate, but don't yell. try not getting upset. Don't pry into things and ask questions like "so... how long did you two skype?" ( because you know that it was over 2 hours and YOU haven't skyped with her for 4 days!) Show some trust! Show her love by not showing her you want everything (meaning every once and drop of love and time)  she's got! 

     Just like we want a guy to respect our space, our morals, and our time with our family and friends, we want our friends to respect our other time with other friends! Seriously, who wants just one friend? 
     When you have so many girls who confide in you, so many that you love so much, you (of course) want to tell them things too! you want quality time / bonding time with them as well. Your friend wants the same thing. Don't let your friendship be hurt because you are too scared to let it grow! Let your special friend go so she can grow and so you can grow. So that you two will have someone there when the other can't be there- it can become a beautiful work of God's art of you let him mold your friendships into something even better and more amazingly exquisite than they already were! Just give HIM the reigns. tell him "Lord, I give this to you, please help me to let you grow us.. please help me to let her go, and let her grow."          And remember girls, They aren't gonna leave you! 

Just because they made a new friend doesn't mean that you aren't there anymore, or that you aren't just as loved as you always were. Think about it this way- would you leave them? no! If they do leave you then they certainly aren't a real friend at all! If you believe she loves you and cares about you, let her see that you trust her! 
     So today, I challenge my lovely ladies of God to give a good hug to that one friend who's bugging them right now, send her a super amazing facebook message or E-mail her, or tell her that you love her and would trust her with your life. Do something without mentioning that other somebody's name. Basically, show her that you trust her in some way,shape, or form! You know your friends and you know the perfect way to do that, I'm just challenging you to do it, cuz it IS a challenge. haha believe me I know!
~you don't have to be sitting my her to know that she'll never leave you~

I care about each and everyone of you! <3 God bless you and always remember that I'm your sister and I'm here for you! ( or

      ~ Ella Amira ;)

Monday, February 10, 2014

.. BOYS.. (idk what else to call this one ;) )

   Hi girls, so how was your week? Mine was pretty good. :) I was thinking throughout the week about what God was leading me to tell you on my next blog post. There's so many things.. Many many bloggers are posting Valentines day post, being girls, we tend to all jump at the guy topic.. Don't blush, I know as well as you do that when you saw the title of this you your heart probably skipped a little as you clicked on it. ;) It's ok, I know all about how girls will eat up anything to do with romance, love, guys and fellas. I have a friend who hates reading, yet she will gladly read books like "Secrets about Boys" or "How to Find your Soul mate Without Loosing Your Soul" because they give her a clue about the mysterious inside world of boys.. See? we all long to know more about this interesting species because we are supposed to! It's how God made us. We have naturally always been in love with the idea of a princess getting swept away by a prince, we love romance stories, we like anything to do with romance at all! The funny thing about it is that what we often don't realize is that guys like the idea of a fairy tale too! Think about it! They love a challenge!! There is story after story of the prince taking on the dragon to win his maiden's hand. Once I walked into the kitchen, and saw my two older brothers and one of their friends sitting in a circle in the middle of the floor. When I asked them what they were doing they said "We're seeing who can get the last drop of water out of this wash cloth!!" and they were too! Passing it around and squeezing with all of their "man power" to get the last drop out of a wash cloth that they had gotten wet in the fist place! Did we have a working dryer? yes! did they have much "cooler" things they could have been doing? Probably.. but one of them challenged the others and to work they went! They were sitting on that kitchen floor for over an hour passing that wet cloth around and squeezing it with all their might! But boys and guys of all ages love a challenge! God made then that way. They like the idea of presuing  a girl who's worth it! You're a princess! Marry a prince! If he's a real prince, He'll take the challenge of a dragon to win your hand,. He'll Die for you, so then he'll wait for you! 


I've recently made the decision in my life not to date until I'm out of high school... Big decision yes, but I think that God will bless me for it. I am HIS daughter, a princess warrior, I don't need the distraction of a boyfriend when I, at this point in my life, need to learn more about Him. So what I want to do in my high school years is: 1) love on my girlfriends. relating to my previous blog post, we NEED each other! especially right now, this world is so so messed up with so many things. Teaching us that being Gay is "ok" now and that it's perfectly fine to kill your baby (abortion) is so messing with our poor confused teenage minds! It's not fair and if we think about it long enough, because we are so hormonal right now, we'll start to think it's ok! It is MORE than important right now to stick with your christian friends and remind then what is right and why it is. 2) love on my family- I realize that if i fade away from my family at this point in life, when I probably am needing the most parental advice! It's just going to dent it forever, so this is also just as important. and 3) to Love On God. Do I even need to explain this? We need to figure out where WE ourselves stand in our faith before we bring a guy into the picture, before we cloud our heads with romantic and twitterpaited thoughts, we need to get our basis in God first , and what He wants for our precious lives. For we need to remember that no matter what, we are his daughters first.
      So today ladies, fellow princesses of God, and sisters of mine, I challenge you to take a good amount of time (I always do this in the shower, I hope that isn't too awkward, but it just works better for me cuz I can talk out loud and no one can here me!) and directly about how he wants you to plan out these teenage years, What kind of guys should you be looking for? should you EVER flirt? even a little bit? and does he even want you to have a relationship right now? Just talk to him about it! He's like.. the best best best dad in the whole world cuz yes, he protects his daughters but he also knows them and understands them inside and out. This valentines day I plan to do some devos on bible verses about how much GOD loves me! You can still feel loved on valentines day single or not! :D 
     God bless you all and I love you sisters! I'm always here for you if you need to talk! ~ Ella Amira ( or ( P.S. Favorite song of the month: Haven't even kissed~ Moriah Peters. check it out it's perfect!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Fighting The Battle Together

Wow! my fist Blog Post. As I stare at this blank page, looking at it, it looking at me, I suddenly feel less confident than when I started.. haha :) I don't know what to call this one.. maybe first Impressions.. oh Gosh there goes the Pride and Prejudice addict in me! ;) ok I won't call it that.. hmm, maybe I'll just start with whatever and hope it works! :) 

... I'm making a scarf for a friend right now and wishing that I didn't have any homework tonight.. sorry that was random. lol ;) now where was I? oh yeah! ok here goes..

   What do you think of when you see my blog title? Perhaps you think of Jasmine when she left the palace to see the peasant's market. :) 

maybe you think of that girl in Lord of the Rings (I can't remember her name right now, but she said the best quote ever.. "I am no man!" ) who killed the witch king.

 (not sure how that relates to my title actually, it's just that Jasmine reminded me of it.. )  Maybe you think of what you're supposed to think of- how you are a girl who lives in a crazy mixed up world, and you wish you could just get out of it cuz you know, you're not supposed to be here. You, my dear sister in Christ, are supposed to be in a beautiful kingdom called Heaven with your father, God. Right?? well actually.. Matthew 28:19-20 tells us that we're not supposed to be in heaven just yet...We, as God's children, were sent here to FIGHT for him. That's right, we're awesome princess warriors. ;) ;) Matt. 28:19-20 is actually a pretty amazing verse, so I'm gonna say it even if you have heard it a few hundred times.   "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
   Isn't that cool? that he says "Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" to US :D so even if he has sent us out to fight a war that is gonna be hard and rough we know that he's with us, fighting by our side until the very end of time. <3
   So, sisters of mine, fellow princesses fighting this war, Know that you are not alone. we are all daughters of God and he has a special use for each of us. We're fighting this war together-so let's stay together! Let's share our struggles, our problems, and our advice. We are all on the same side so let's team up! So today- I challenge you to Smile. Smile once to every person you see, a sweet, genuine smile. 
     E-mail me if you have any questions or anything you need to talk out! I'm your sister whether we've meet or not and I'm here for you. ( my email is or
~In His precious footprints, Ella Amira