Friday, March 21, 2014

An Emontional Train Wreck

     Hey girls! I'm SO SORRY that I haven't posted in so long!! I've been super busy, but I don't think that's a good enough excuse. I'm going to try REALLY hard to find time for 1 blog post a week. ok? okay good. 

     So, what is the difference between and emotional wreck, and an emotional train wreck? well, believe it or not, there's a BIG difference. An emotional wreck happens when You've been overcome with emotions and stupid hormones, and it's too much to handle, and you just brake down cuz "Nothings going right, and your friends don't like you, and your school won't stay caught up, and your family's a mess, and you'll NEVER find a guy cuz no guy will ever ever like you, and, your gold fish died last night! and on TOP OF ALL THAT- you stubbed your toe! *sobs hysterically* "ohh could life get ANY WORSE!?!??!".

And that's an emotional wreck ladies. No doubt you've all been here. Not everyone likes to admit it, because face it! An emotional wreck is not a good look for a girl! But yes, I've defiantly been there. Now Here's the difference, an Emotional train wreck is when Your emotions are flying full speed ahead. With no intention of stopping you plunge on, faster and faster. It could be a new friendship you found! And you're so so excited that you just fling yourself full-on into it! It could be your new boyfriend that you suddenly are falling head over heels for, you think ":D :D he bought me roses! Could there be anything more romantic in ALL THE WORLD?!? no! I love him I love him I love him!! and I'm going to marry him and that's.that!"(okay.. maybe not THAT dramatically, but you get the message!) I like to think of an emotional train wreck as a "THINGS ARE GOING PERFECT" thought when honestly you're moving Then BAM! *smash-crash-bag!* You smash head on into reality, someone elses' emotions collide with yours, or something is in the track of what you thought was perfection. (but generally, from what I know, it's someone elses' emotions that were going full speed ahead too.) suddenly, that amazing thing you thought you had is GONE, it ended up (too late for you to realize) not the thing you thought it was! This (in my opinion always) is the WORST kind of emotional wreck imaginable...When your heart brakes into a million pieces.. and you realize that what you thought was your life, what you thought was who you were supposed to be forever and ever, is gone. 

You, the train going at 200 miles an hour, smashes into reality and explodes. It's never pretty. Surly, if you've ever been here, you're nodding your head and saying "not it's not! I know exactly what you mean!"
     Have you ever seen a girl in a movie (hopefully this hasn't actually happened to you, but if it has then you can relate even better!) who's been cheated on. She's an emotional train wreck isn't she? she sobs, she cries, she feels unwanted and un-loved. No matter what she feels like her world has fallen apart, the man she loved is gone, he rejected her. You're sitting there saying "JERK!!! OH how could he do that to her!?! " She is the perfect example of an emotional train wreck. It hurts doesn't it?

     All this talk about emotional train wrecks is pretty depressing isn't it? Well, I still have some advice for today! haha :) just wait! it's coming! :)
      So, how do we stay away from these emotional train wrecks? Take it SLOWLY. I know it sounds impossible girls! Really sometimes I feel like it really is! but PLEASE remember to SLOW.DOWN! Take your friendships and relationship one step at a time! Often friendships go bad because the girls who just met each other decided they were best friends from the START, They head toward the friendship FULL SPEED AHEAD and tell each other everything and have a million sleepovers and call each other everyday! They think they've found something amazing and they're just embarrassing it, but the truth is that they're heading right for an emotional train wreck. Both of them are going at 200 mile an hour speeds headed right toward each other. Think about this, have you ever had a really enthusiastic friend be excited to see you and come running at you with a HUGE hug and nearly knock you over dead cuz they accidentally knocked all the wind out of you??

 I have! It kinda hurts and you try to laugh through it as your also trying to breath again! lol! That the exact same enthusiasm that friends take as they meet each other, decide each other is PERFECT , and run at each other full speed! They're going to collide and fall over and get all the wind knocked out of them. ouch.. Friendships that start like this almost always end with one of them being extremely clingy and "needing!" the other when the other realizes that, well, maybe they weren't supposed to be friends actually.. If you take your friendships slowly and give them time to grow in Jesus, then they will have a very strong foundation! and even if you two have to move apart, or are too busy for each other sometime in the future, you'll have been friends that can stay friends for years, and the next time you see each other, you can talk like you've never been apart! that is something beautiful! Imagine trying to talk to someone you haven't seen in years, and you only actually knew her for like, 2 months before you were separated. that would be awkward! Especially if you had totally flung yourself at her in those 2 months, and now.. well, now you just don't even know what to say or what she'll expect. 
     I've experienced both. and TRUST ME when I tell you that the friend I have right now, whom I took a few years to get to know, will ALWAYS be more precious to me than the one whom I now never even talk to. I know that I can run to her and tell her anything and she'll be just as excited to see me as I am her! 

     but my other friend.. two years ago, I was flinging myself into her arms, desperately trying to cling to what I thought I was loosing, and all the mean time knocking the wind out of her, and becoming quite an emotional train wreck! If you look at my diary from then, it was NOT pretty. That had to be one of the most depressing, and tear filled years of my whole life, and all because I was moving too fast.
     What I've been saying here goes for boys too! don't DON'T move too fast! give them a mystery that they will only solve after you are married. I'm not even talking about *cough* sex here. I'm talking about YOU, you're whole entire self! Don't let them know all of you! your secrets, your hopes you dreams, your struggles. Everything that you want him to know because you think you're in love, now imagine if he ever did cheat on you, or if he ever did brake up with you and you happen to marry someone completely different! Would you really want that guy out there to know everything about you? NO MA'AM. 
     Alright ladies, wow these are getting long! :) I challenge you today... to check all your friendships and relationships, make extra sure that you're taking things slowly, and that you aren't headed straight into an emotional train wreck. And IF you are, SLOW.DOWN. 
     If by any chance you are right in the middle of an emotional train wreck right now, I'm here for you! I totally 100% know what that's like, and you can email me at :) I'm always here to listen! otherwise, talk to God about it! He helped me through mine! Honestly if you just cry to him he helps so much!! 
      I hope you all have a wonderful week! God Bless you all! :) 
~ Ella Amira